🔥 About Me
Welcome to my personal page!
My name is Yang Fei (费扬), a second-year master student at School of Computing, National University of Singapore, major in Computer Science. I graduated as Shanghai Outstanding Undergraduate from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2023.06 with a bachelor’s degree from the Department of Cyber Science and Engineering, SEIEE school. Prior to that, I graduated my high at Huaiyin High School with honor.
I won the Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship of SJTU 3 times in 2020-2022 (Top 15% in SJTU), also won the Top Cybersecurity Student Scholarship in the fall of 2022. I won Meritorious Award in 2021 MCM, and was selected as Merit Student in my sophomore year.
I am deeply interested in research areas encompassing Graph Algorithm, and Data Mining skills. My passion lies in applying my mathematical and programming expertise to address real-world challenges in network analysis, including the simulation of social, recommender or multi-agent systems. I am also keen to explore the innovative applications of LLMs within these domains.
I have researched in several groups and maintain close communication with professional teachers in different fields. I finished my graduation project under the guidance of Prof. Jiaping Gui at SJTU, I was an enthusiastic participant in the 2022 UCInspire program, participated in DSP LAB lead by Prof. Zhou Li. I am now under the guidance of Prof. Xiaokui XIAO at NUS.
Basic Information
21 Lower Kent Ridge Rd, Singapore 119077
+65 88851417 / +86 18015158812
📖 Publications
Yimin Shi, Yang Fei, Shiqi Zhang, Haixun Wang, Xiaokui Xiao, You Are What You Bought: Generating Customer Personas for E-commerce Applications, (Submitted to KDD’25), Aug 2024.
Shengyue Yao*, Yang Fei*, Shanzhe Lei, Xuhong Wang, Lin Yilun, Yu Qiao, Optimizing Organization in Multi-Agent Systems via a Time and Task Sensitive Strategy $T^2$SO: Theoretical and Practical Evidences, (Submitted to AAAI’25), Aug 2024.
Keke Huang, Yimin Shi, Dujian Ding, Yifei Li, Yang Fei, Laks Lakshmanan, Xiaokui Xiao, ThriftLLM: On Cost-Effective Selection of Large Language Models for Optimal Query Performance, (Preprint), Oct 2024.
🏫 Educations
National University of Singapore 📅 [Aug 2023 – May 2025(expected)]
Master of Computing, Computer Science
- Overall GPA: 3.92
- Relevant Courses: Advanced Computer Networks, Database Security, Distributed System, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining.
Shanghai Jiaotong University 📅 [Sep 2019 – Jun 2023]
Bachelor of Engineering, Information Security
- Major GPA: 3.74
- A courses: Modern Number Theory, Information Security Innovation, Operating System, Windows Security, Data Mining and 20 others.
Huaiyin High School 📅 [Sep 2016 – Jun 2019]
- 2019-College Entrance Exam: 415/480 (top 0.01%)
💻 Research Experiences
A Persona-Based LLM-assisted Reccommender System
Nov 2023 – Aug 2024
Master Dissertation
Prof. Xiaokui Xiao
- Leverage LLM-assigned persona labels to construct a tripartite graph and apply rec-models like LGCN.
- Improve major accuracy metrics by 5-15% when intuitively combined with the sota GNN-based recommender system.
Network Anomalous Node Identification
Jan 2023 – Jun 2023
Graduation Project
Prof. Jiaping Gui
- Quickly and effectively perform anomalous node detection and reliability analysis.
- Realize the general application from offline collected data sets to public data sets based on the graph theory algorithm.
- Form a journal article in Cyber Security and Data Governance.
UCInspire Summer Program
Jun 2022 – Sep 2022
Summer Research
Prof. Zhou Li
- Start with basic Graph neural network model on anomaly detection like DeepWalk, NetWalk and Euler. **Apply NetWalk on **LANL dataset to help detect unusual online flows.
- Adapt existing model for anomaly detection, and make fair comparison.
CITtrip : Student Research Training Program
Mar 2021 – Mar 2022
College Innovation Program
Prof. Jie Guo
- Use BERT, LDA and other models in the NLP field to help analyze harmful speeches on the Internet, realize measurement innovation.
- Define anonymous Internet users, establish relationship networks, and identify key users.
- Our project won the 2022 Outstanding College Innovation Project in Shanghai.
⌨ Selected Course Projects
Simple Network Sniffer: EzSniffer
Python, Scapy, PyQt5
Nov 2021
- A simple network sniffer developed based on linux platform and python language uses PyQt5 for interface design.
- Main functions include: capturing and analyzing the local ethernet selected by the user, realizing packet filtering, searching, IP packet fragmentation and reorganization, and file storage.
- It contains as many types of messages as possible (ICMP, UDP, TCP, etc.), with good usability and readability.
Campus Carpooling System: Huajiao Carpooling
Django, Node.js, React, MySQL
May 2021
- Realize the demand of carpooling for students in partial campus and build a usable website.
- Carried out this group cooperation project in the form of agile development, a total of three rounds of iterations, and finally deployed the website.
Personal Blog System
SpringBoot, MyBatis, React, Antd, MySQL
May 2022
- Build a platform to express your views and realize fragmented learning, we can also display personalized content.
- I’m mainly in charge of building the front-end framework. Considering the simple, clear, and componentizable features of react, it was chosen. Also selected antd as the component library.
“Smart Eyes” - Bridge Bearing Damage Detection System
OpenCV, Yolo5, Raspberry Pi
Aug 2022
- Manufactures a real-time detection device with a high-quality camera installed on a fixed telescopic pole, and is equipped with a crack damage identification system with a Raspberry Pi as a carrier.
- Use OpenCV to implement image preprocessing, feature extraction and image matching mechanism, data training on yolov5.
Basic File Safe
GNU Make, GCC, C/C++
Oct 2022
- Combined with encryption and access rights control, overloading system calls ensures the security of important personal data from the operating system level.
- Supported password input and verified user core permissions, also added timer management program.
🏆 Honors and Awards
- Top Cybersecurity Student Scholarship (Top 3%); Nov 2022
- Outstanding Undergraduate Scholarship of SJTU (Top 15%); 3×recipient, Nov 2020-2022
- Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Meritorious; Apr 2021
- Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Honorable Mention; Apr 2020
- Merit Student, Apr 2020
✨ Technical Skills
Programming Languages:
- Python, C++, Go, SQL, MATLAB, Git, Latex, Office, etc.
- Pytorch, Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn, Networkx, etc
- Mandarin (Native)
- English (TOEFL: 109 / GRE: 322)
- French (Beginner)
Other Interest:
- Basketball: I participate in several basketball teams in my high school, SJTU and NUS.
- Scuba Diving: I will immediately pursue a AOW this year once I have time! (OW is not enough!)
🦾 Leadership / Extracurricular
College Student Work Office, President, Fall 2019 – Present
- Organize and plan the training course of ideal and faith education in the college, with a total of four sessions, more than 2000 trainees, and undertake six forums.
- Led chapter of 50+ members to work towards goals that improve and promote community service, academics, and unity.
Club Unions, Cadre, Fall 2019 – Fall 2020
- Participate in undertaking large-scale cultural and sports activities on campus, such as "Qiyuan Loy Krathong Festival, Club Recruitment, Student Festival" and other related activities.
- The cumulative readings of articles related to the event exceeded one million.
- Vaccination Site Volunteer, Fall 2021
- Shanghai International Marathon Volunteer, Fall 2020, 2021
💻 Internships
Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Jun 2024 – Oct 2024 (Expected)
AI Researcher
- We conduct research on AI Application in Urban Computing fields like traffic and society.
- Develop a LLM-powered MAS platform which adapt its organization in various task scenarios.
HUAWEI ICT Department
Aug 2022 – Oct 2022
Software Development Engineer
- Interned in packet core network department, ddb group, focus on distributed database microservices built on cloud core.
- We provide a full range of core network software, help operators build an agile and reliable core network. Build DDB micro-service based on Go Cell framework, realize synchronous data processing.
📝 Misc